Class TextComponent.AccessibleAWTTextComponent

All Implemented Interfaces:
TextListener, Serializable, EventListener, AccessibleComponent, AccessibleText
Direct Known Subclasses:
TextArea.AccessibleAWTTextArea, TextField.AccessibleAWTTextField
Enclosing class:

protected class TextComponent.AccessibleAWTTextComponent extends Component.AccessibleAWTComponent implements AccessibleText, TextListener
This class implements accessibility support for the TextComponent class. It provides an implementation of the Java Accessibility API appropriate to text component user-interface elements.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AccessibleAWTTextComponent

      public AccessibleAWTTextComponent()
      Constructs an AccessibleAWTTextComponent. Adds a listener to track caret change.
  • Method Details

    • textValueChanged

      public void textValueChanged(TextEvent textEvent)
      TextListener notification of a text value change.
      Specified by:
      textValueChanged in interface TextListener
      textEvent - the event to be processed
    • getAccessibleStateSet

      public AccessibleStateSet getAccessibleStateSet()
      Gets the state set of the TextComponent. The AccessibleStateSet of an object is composed of a set of unique AccessibleStates. A change in the AccessibleStateSet of an object will cause a PropertyChangeEvent to be fired for the AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_STATE_PROPERTY property.
      getAccessibleStateSet in class Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
      an instance of AccessibleStateSet containing the current state set of the object
      See Also:
    • getAccessibleRole

      public AccessibleRole getAccessibleRole()
      Gets the role of this object.
      getAccessibleRole in class Component.AccessibleAWTComponent
      an instance of AccessibleRole describing the role of the object (AccessibleRole.TEXT)
      See Also:
    • getAccessibleText

      public AccessibleText getAccessibleText()
      Get the AccessibleText associated with this object. In the implementation of the Java Accessibility API for this class, return this object, which is responsible for implementing the AccessibleText interface on behalf of itself.
      getAccessibleText in class AccessibleContext
      this object
      See Also:
    • getIndexAtPoint

      public int getIndexAtPoint(Point p)
      Given a point in local coordinates, return the zero-based index of the character under that Point. If the point is invalid, this method returns -1.
      Specified by:
      getIndexAtPoint in interface AccessibleText
      p - the Point in local coordinates
      the zero-based index of the character under Point p.
    • getCharacterBounds

      public Rectangle getCharacterBounds(int i)
      Determines the bounding box of the character at the given index into the string. The bounds are returned in local coordinates. If the index is invalid a null rectangle is returned.
      Specified by:
      getCharacterBounds in interface AccessibleText
      i - the index into the String >= 0
      the screen coordinates of the character's bounding box
    • getCharCount

      public int getCharCount()
      Returns the number of characters (valid indices)
      Specified by:
      getCharCount in interface AccessibleText
      the number of characters >= 0
    • getCaretPosition

      public int getCaretPosition()
      Returns the zero-based offset of the caret. Note: The character to the right of the caret will have the same index value as the offset (the caret is between two characters).
      Specified by:
      getCaretPosition in interface AccessibleText
      the zero-based offset of the caret.
    • getCharacterAttribute

      public AttributeSet getCharacterAttribute(int i)
      Returns the AttributeSet for a given character (at a given index).
      Specified by:
      getCharacterAttribute in interface AccessibleText
      i - the zero-based index into the text
      the AttributeSet of the character
    • getSelectionStart

      public int getSelectionStart()
      Returns the start offset within the selected text. If there is no selection, but there is a caret, the start and end offsets will be the same. Return 0 if the text is empty, or the caret position if no selection.
      Specified by:
      getSelectionStart in interface AccessibleText
      the index into the text of the start of the selection >= 0
    • getSelectionEnd

      public int getSelectionEnd()
      Returns the end offset within the selected text. If there is no selection, but there is a caret, the start and end offsets will be the same. Return 0 if the text is empty, or the caret position if no selection.
      Specified by:
      getSelectionEnd in interface AccessibleText
      the index into the text of the end of the selection >= 0
    • getSelectedText

      public String getSelectedText()
      Returns the portion of the text that is selected.
      Specified by:
      getSelectedText in interface AccessibleText
      the text, null if no selection
    • getAtIndex

      public String getAtIndex(int part, int index)
      Returns the String at a given index.
      Specified by:
      getAtIndex in interface AccessibleText
      part - the AccessibleText.CHARACTER, AccessibleText.WORD, or AccessibleText.SENTENCE to retrieve
      index - an index within the text >= 0
      the letter, word, or sentence, null for an invalid index or part
    • getAfterIndex

      public String getAfterIndex(int part, int index)
      Returns the String after a given index.
      Specified by:
      getAfterIndex in interface AccessibleText
      part - the AccessibleText.CHARACTER, AccessibleText.WORD, or AccessibleText.SENTENCE to retrieve
      index - an index within the text >= 0
      the letter, word, or sentence, null for an invalid index or part
    • getBeforeIndex

      public String getBeforeIndex(int part, int index)
      Returns the String before a given index.
      Specified by:
      getBeforeIndex in interface AccessibleText
      part - the AccessibleText.CHARACTER, AccessibleText.WORD, or AccessibleText.SENTENCE to retrieve
      index - an index within the text >= 0
      the letter, word, or sentence, null for an invalid index or part