Interface MenuContainer

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractButton, AbstractColorChooserPanel, Applet, BasicArrowButton, BasicComboBoxRenderer, BasicComboBoxRenderer.UIResource, BasicComboPopup, BasicInternalFrameTitlePane, BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.SystemMenuBar, BasicSplitPaneDivider, BasicToolBarUI.DragWindow, Box, Box.Filler, Button, Canvas, CellRendererPane, Checkbox, Choice, Component, Container, DefaultListCellRenderer, DefaultListCellRenderer.UIResource, DefaultTableCellRenderer, DefaultTableCellRenderer.UIResource, DefaultTreeCellEditor.DefaultTextField, DefaultTreeCellEditor.EditorContainer, DefaultTreeCellRenderer, Dialog, FileDialog, Frame, JApplet, JButton, JCheckBox, JCheckBoxMenuItem, JColorChooser, JComboBox, JComponent, JDesktopPane, JDialog, JEditorPane, JFileChooser, JFormattedTextField, JFrame, JInternalFrame, JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon, JLabel, JLayer, JLayeredPane, JList, JMenu, JMenuBar, JMenuItem, JOptionPane, JPanel, JPasswordField, JPopupMenu, JPopupMenu.Separator, JProgressBar, JRadioButton, JRadioButtonMenuItem, JRootPane, JScrollBar, JScrollPane, JScrollPane.ScrollBar, JSeparator, JSlider, JSpinner, JSpinner.DateEditor, JSpinner.DefaultEditor, JSpinner.ListEditor, JSpinner.NumberEditor, JSplitPane, JTabbedPane, JTable, JTableHeader, JTextArea, JTextComponent, JTextField, JTextPane, JToggleButton, JToolBar, JToolBar.Separator, JToolTip, JTree, JViewport, JWindow, Label, List, Menu, MenuBar, MetalComboBoxButton, MetalComboBoxUI.MetalComboPopup, MetalFileChooserUI.FileRenderer, MetalFileChooserUI.FilterComboBoxRenderer, MetalInternalFrameTitlePane, MetalScrollButton, Panel, PopupMenu, Scrollbar, ScrollPane, TextArea, TextComponent, TextField, Window

public interface MenuContainer
The super class of all menu related containers.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the font in use by this container.
    As of JDK version 1.1 replaced by dispatchEvent(AWTEvent).
    Removes the specified menu component from the menu.
  • Method Details

    • getFont

      Font getFont()
      Returns the font in use by this container.
      the menu font
    • remove

      void remove(MenuComponent comp)
      Removes the specified menu component from the menu.
      comp - the menu component to remove
    • postEvent

      @Deprecated boolean postEvent(Event evt)
      As of JDK version 1.1 replaced by dispatchEvent(AWTEvent).
      Posts an event to the listeners.
      evt - the event to dispatch
      the results of posting the event