Uses of Package
Provides for system input and output through data streams,
serialization and the file system.
Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java
programming language.
Provides classfile parsing, generation, and transformation library.
Provides specific components, transformations, and tools built on top of the
PREVIEW library.Provides low-level access to memory and functions outside the Java runtime.
Classes to support module descriptors and creating configurations of modules
by means of resolution and service binding.
Provides the classes for implementing networking applications.
HTTP Client and WebSocket APIs
Service-provider classes for the
package.Defines interfaces and classes for the Java virtual machine to access files,
file attributes, and file systems.
Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework.
Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a
data source (usually a relational database) using the
Java programming language.
The main API for dates, times, instants, and durations.
Contains the collections framework, some internationalization support classes,
a service loader, properties, random number generation, string parsing
and scanning classes, base64 encoding and decoding, a bit array, and
several miscellaneous utility classes.
Utility classes commonly useful in concurrent programming.
Provides classes for reading and writing the JAR (Java ARchive)
file format, which is based on the standard ZIP file format with an
optional manifest file.
This package contains classes and interfaces that support a generic API
for random number generation.
Classes for matching character sequences against patterns specified
by regular expressions.
Classes to support functional-style operations on streams of elements, such
as map-reduce transformations on collections.
Provides classes for reading and writing the standard ZIP and GZIP file
Provides the classes for implementing
XML Catalogs OASIS Standard V1.1, 7 October 2005.
Provides interfaces for creating tools, such as a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL),
which interactively evaluate "snippets" of Java programming language code.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of primitive double-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A sequence of primitive int-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A sequence of primitive long-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of primitive double-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A sequence of primitive int-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A sequence of primitive long-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of primitive double-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A sequence of primitive int-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A sequence of primitive long-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionBase interface for streams, which are sequences of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A mutable reduction operation that accumulates input elements into a mutable result container, optionally transforming the accumulated result into a final representation after all input elements have been processed.Characteristics indicating properties of a
, which can be used to optimize reduction implementations.A sequence of primitive double-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A mutable builder for aDoubleStream
.Represents an operation that accepts adouble
-valued argument and a DoubleConsumer, and returns no result.Preview.An intermediate operation that transforms a stream of input elements into a stream of output elements, optionally applying a final action when the end of the upstream is reached.Preview.A Downstream object is the next stage in a pipeline of operations, to which elements can be sent.Preview.An Integrator receives elements and processes them, optionally using the supplied state, and optionally sends incremental results downstream.Preview.Greedy Integrators consume all their input, and may only relay that the downstream does not want more elements.A sequence of primitive int-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A mutable builder for anIntStream
.Represents an operation that accepts anint
-valued argument and an IntConsumer, and returns no result.A sequence of primitive long-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A mutable builder for aLongStream
.Represents an operation that accepts along
-valued argument and a LongConsumer, and returns no result.A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.A mutable builder for aStream
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ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
ClassDescriptionA sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations.