Uses of Class

Packages that use Period
The main API for dates, times, instants, and durations.
Generic API for calendar systems other than the default ISO.
Provides classes to print and parse dates and times.
  • Uses of Period in java.time

    Fields in java.time declared as Period
    Modifier and Type
    static final Period
    A constant for a period of zero.
    Methods in java.time that return Period
    Modifier and Type
    static Period
    Period.between(LocalDate startDateInclusive, LocalDate endDateExclusive)
    Obtains a Period consisting of the number of years, months, and days between two dates.
    static Period
    Period.from(TemporalAmount amount)
    Obtains an instance of Period from a temporal amount.
    Period.minus(TemporalAmount amountToSubtract)
    Returns a copy of this period with the specified period subtracted.
    Period.minusDays(long daysToSubtract)
    Returns a copy of this period with the specified days subtracted.
    Period.minusMonths(long monthsToSubtract)
    Returns a copy of this period with the specified months subtracted.
    Period.minusYears(long yearsToSubtract)
    Returns a copy of this period with the specified years subtracted.
    Period.multipliedBy(int scalar)
    Returns a new instance with each element in this period multiplied by the specified scalar.
    Returns a new instance with each amount in this period negated.
    Returns a copy of this period with the years and months normalized.
    static Period
    Period.of(int years, int months, int days)
    Obtains a Period representing a number of years, months and days.
    static Period
    Period.ofDays(int days)
    Obtains a Period representing a number of days.
    static Period
    Period.ofMonths(int months)
    Obtains a Period representing a number of months.
    static Period
    Period.ofWeeks(int weeks)
    Obtains a Period representing a number of weeks.
    static Period
    Period.ofYears(int years)
    Obtains a Period representing a number of years.
    static Period
    Period.parse(CharSequence text)
    Obtains a Period from a text string such as PnYnMnD. amountToAdd)
    Returns a copy of this period with the specified period added.
    Period.plusDays(long daysToAdd)
    Returns a copy of this period with the specified days added.
    Period.plusMonths(long monthsToAdd)
    Returns a copy of this period with the specified months added.
    Period.plusYears(long yearsToAdd)
    Returns a copy of this period with the specified years added.
    LocalDate.until(ChronoLocalDate endDateExclusive)
    Calculates the period between this date and another date as a Period.
    Period.withDays(int days)
    Returns a copy of this period with the specified amount of days.
    Period.withMonths(int months)
    Returns a copy of this period with the specified amount of months.
    Period.withYears(int years)
    Returns a copy of this period with the specified amount of years.
    Methods in java.time with parameters of type Period
    Modifier and Type
    LocalDate.datesUntil(LocalDate endExclusive, Period step)
    Returns a sequential ordered stream of dates by given incremental step.
  • Uses of Period in java.time.chrono

    Methods in java.time.chrono that return Period
    Modifier and Type
    IsoChronology.period(int years, int months, int days)
    Obtains a period for this chronology based on years, months and days.
  • Uses of Period in java.time.format

    Methods in java.time.format that return types with arguments of type Period
    Modifier and Type
    static final TemporalQuery<Period>
    A query that provides access to the excess days that were parsed.