Uses of Package

Packages that use java.nio.file
Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system.
Classes to support module descriptors and creating configurations of modules by means of resolution and service binding.
Provides the classes for implementing networking applications.
HTTP Client and WebSocket APIs
Defines channels, which represent connections to entities that are capable of performing I/O operations, such as files and sockets; defines selectors, for multiplexed, non-blocking I/O operations.
Defines interfaces and classes for the Java virtual machine to access files, file attributes, and file systems.
Service-provider classes for the java.nio.file package.
Contains the collections framework, some internationalization support classes, a service loader, properties, random number generation, string parsing and scanning classes, base64 encoding and decoding, a bit array, and several miscellaneous utility classes.
Provides interfaces for tools which can be invoked from a program, for example, compilers.
Classes to support low-level and efficient foreign memory/function access, directly from Java.
This package provides classes to create events and control Flight Recorder.
This package contains classes for consuming Flight Recorder data.
This package contains classes to control and monitor Flight Recorder over Java Management Extensions (JMX).